4.5 X 7 Inches. Patriotic designs are classic & adored by almost everyone. The perfect little treasure to stitch for the fourth of July or really any time of the year. You can make this in wool or wool felt. Hang it from a vase or mason jar. Would be really cute hanging from one of the small, ruler clipboards.
I love this kind of ornament. It's not only perfect to hand on the tree but I love to use them as a very special gift tag or to make them into a needlebook. Did you think of that? They require minimal supplies and are quick & easy to make! Be sure to search for more ornaments in the online...
This little sweetheart is too cute not to make and display somewhere in my house!!! Size: 2.75 X 6 inches. Welcome summer with this charming flower & bee ornament! It may not be fragrant but it is strong in cuteness!
I love this kind of ornament. It's not only perfect to hand on the tree but I love to use them as a very special gift tag or to make them into a needlebook. Did you think of that? They require minimal supplies and are quick & easy to make! Be sure to search for more ornaments in the online...
Celebrate each month with a "chalkboard" look themed design in cotton & wool! 16" x 20"
I thought this would make an adorable needle book! Size: 4 X 5 inches. This hive nests in a garden of flowers. Make this woolen ornament and gift it to a friend with a jar of honey. So sweet!
Buttermilk Basin loves designing projects with a play on words! They have adorned the word "Winter" with Frosty and other winter elements such as a scarf & a pair of woolen mittens! This is also a great design that can be kept out all winter long! It is 10 X 27.5 inches in size.
Size: 4.5 X 5 inches Every stitcher needs a needle keep to hold their stitching needles & threads in!
Size: 3.5 X 5.75 inches. This strawberry has a pocket to hold your scissors and a fob to hold your needles! Add ribbon and you can hang it on around your neck and know where your tools are at all times.
Size: 4.5 X 6 inches. Everyone loves a cute needle keep, especially this one! Stitches up in a jiffy and holds all your sewing needs!
Size: 5 X 9.5 inches. Isn't fun to have a special scissor holder to tuck your scissor in when working or traveling? Not to mention, one with a festive motif like a sunflower on it?