The wonderful Cheddarback Quilt BOM. You can purchase a complete pattern. Each set includes 1 large block and 4 small block patterns. Available as digital download patterns Patterns for the Alphabet and Optional Filler Blocks are sold separately. Use the little drop-down menu just below the price to make your selection and add it to your shopping cart.
We usually think of the block in this little quilt as Capital T and I was surprised to learn it's a very old pattern from Capper's Weekly called Friendship Quilt Grab your favorite bits and pieces of fabric to make this 19" x 23" foundation paper pieced little quilt. Available as digital or printed download pattern Use the little...
A stunning antique red and green applique album quilt from the mid-1800's. The quilt was a block of the month quilt project where each block was available free for one month and then retired here so you can still make this great quilt. Each 16 1/2" block, including the unique quilting designs, is provided full size with a color...
You can purchase the retired monthly block sets for the 1857 Album Quilt. Each 10" block is provided full size with a color photo from the antique quilt. Please use the little drop-down menu just below the price to select printed or digital patterns.
Designed by Anne Orr for the Burton-Dixie Corporation. I've looked everywhere for an example of this quilt and so far haven't been able to find one. I can see this made in planned colors or scraps, batiks, Kaffe Fassett, Tula Pink or just about any great collection of fabric. There are instructions for a 72" x 92" or 92' square...
Based on an antique quilt, this is a great design to feature a favorite fabric or use coordinating scraps. I pictured it using indigo blue fabric and a single shirting for the background but you could use 1930s fabrics, Kaffe Fassett, Civil War, or any genre of prints. Available as digital or printed download pattern Use the little drop-down...
We usually think of the block in this little quilt as Capital T and I was surprised to learn it's a very old pattern from Capper's Weekly called Friendship Quilt Grab your favorite bits and pieces of fabric to make this 19" x 23" foundation paper pieced little quilt. Available as digital or printed download pattern Use the little...
Available as a digital pattern only This is the complete pattern from one of the 2021 blocks of the week programs making this classic quilt inspired by a circa 1860 antique quilt. Almost all of the blocks are pieced but there's a touch of applique in the center medallion. The antique quilt that inspired this design was indigo blue and white...
Select four great fabrics and a couple of accents and you can whip up this easy Stars & Rails lap size quilt. It's a great project to use as a leader-ender project while working on another quilt. Finished size is 51" x 70" Available as digital or printed download pattern Use the little drop-down menu just below the price...
One of my favorite versions of Sunbonnet Sue. This vintage design is for 10" - 11" quilt block. I used this pattern to make a crib quilt several years ago and still smile each time I see it. Available as digital or printed download pattern Use the little drop-down menu just below the price to make your...
These adorable little Snowbabies are a joy to embroider as redwork designs or with a selection of your favorite colors. The twelve blocks are sewn together with a pieced sash and cornerstone setting. A simple border with room for quilting completes the 52" x 65" quilt. Patterns are full size and ready to use. Please use the little drop down...
A delightful and versatile holiday topper. It's 18" size makes it perfect for use on not only your dining room table but also on an end table during the Christmas season. It looks great draped over the back of a chair. One of my favorite ways to display Christmas Blooms is to let it drape down from the fireplace mantle...
You can purchase the complete set of monthly block sets for the Dear Daughter Quilt. The blocks are provided full size with a color photo from the antique quilt. The finished size of the quilt is 86" x 99". There are 42 applique blocks and instructions for setting the quilt together. Please use the little drop down menu...
78 redwork embroidery designs from an antique quilt top in my personal collection. Flowers, Angels, Children, Politicians and the Tootsey block itself. Designs are perfect for 9" redwork embroidery blocks. Please use the little drop down menu just below the price to select printed or digital pattern.
"These are just about the cutest "babies" I have seen, with their old-fashioned dresses and bonnets with ruffles." Those are the words Ruby Hinson Duncan used to describe these adorable 1902 little Sunbeam Babies. The twelve blocks are for use on 8" or larger quilt blocks. Patterns are full size and ready to use. Please use the little drop...
You're going to love the adorable embroidered blocks in this quilt. Each one features an activity in a baby's day. The embroidery isn't difficult and designs are full size, ready to trace on your blocks. Quilt assembly instructions and a quilting design to use in the sashing is also included. The finished size of the quilt is 34" x 44"...
You can purchase retired monthly block sets for the Ella Maria Deacon quilt. Full-size block patterns and instructions. Be sure to check the blog posts each month! Each block is 9" and the finished size of the quilt is 106" x 106" Available as digital download pattern